She remains my one constant.
My fear is I will lose her and be constantly
Signed & Framed 40" X 55" - £3,000

London is watching you. At every turn, at every moment, you are the star of the surveillance show. They are continually zooming in and out, cameras on the streets, inside the buildings and in your hand. Make sure you behave in the manner befitting the city and its rules. Otherwise, you will face the consequences, it's i.
Signed & Framed 45" X 45" - £3,000

At a glance, the city’s magic is utterly seductive.
However, the closer you look, the wonder offers nothing more than repetitive patterns in undefined lines.
Signed & Framed 50" X 40" - £2,500

The City experience is a sequence of snapshots and soundbites.
Many come for a cut of the action while others dream of tasting the edge.
Signed & Framed 45" X 45" - £3,000

I often have this dream where I float in the shadow of a golden fire in the sky, the scent of jasmine decorates the austere landscape, and I can hear sounds from history in the background. In this dream, I harbour no thought, have no desire and serve no purpose. I am as relevant as space I occupy and as open as the skies below me.
I would ask you to join me, but I can't as you are already here.
Signed & Framed 55" X 45" - £2,000

Every decision we make has consequences on our reality that will run on for infinity.
The question is, will we mindlessly experience reality and repeat it all over, or will we consciously generate a new reality?
Signed & Framed 45" X 45" - £5,000

We are so involved with everything outside of our control, understanding and even experience. Our desire to want to know or be apart of something beyond us is natural. The need to contribute or attain validation can dominate our actions and thoughts, resulting in further deficits in our understanding of self and the world.
​But no thing is actually outside of us, both physically and mentally.
We experience the world entirely through our body.
The outside only exists when you think of it, imagine it and feel a sense of it.
​The inside is all that is alive, and the outside is a response to other life.
Everything and NO THING is OK.
Signed & Framed 45" X 45" - £2,000

The​ ​season​ ​before​ ​last​ ​was​ ​full​ ​of​ ​possibility.​ ​The​ ​following​ ​season​ ​brought​ ​new​ ​possibilities.​​ This​ ​season​ ​is impossible​ ​to​ ​predict​ ​because​ ​now,​ ​everything​ ​is​ ​possible.
​​​​Prepare​ ​for​ ​the​ ​REIGN.
Signed & Framed 60" X 45" - £3,000

And now we must band together. Form a union that will last eternally in the minds and hearts of us and those who witness the death of our independence. We must mimic each other, look like each other, form a bubble around each other. We must plant seeds together, watch them grow to define our commitment to one another.
We float in space and time, and we curate a story in another world for no other.
Signed & Framed 55" X 55" - £4,000

Do you have the capitol?
Signed & Framed 55" X 45" - £2,000

Explosions in space created particles that came together to create life. Life evolved into energy, and energy manifested experience. We are in this realm, and we call it life. Here, we are destructive and creative. It appears to be real and false. Whatever it is, and our perception of it, we are made from the stars we no longer experience.
Signed & Framed 45" X 45" - £2,000

She is known as Durga. She captured the imagination of the world, and we are intrigued by her dominance and power. Her character and fire inspire us. We elevate ourselves in the hope to capture her essence, not knowing she's beyond all desire.
Signed & Framed 50" X 40" - £3,000

What he sees, we cannot see.
What we think we see, he cannot see.
For us, he's just a man in a natural space.
But for him, he is that space.
Signed & Framed 50" X 38" - £2,000

Inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece, the last supper.
This unique version features iconic movie characters from India’s magical film industry.
Signed & Framed 60" X 48" - £5,000

Manchester​ ​is​ ​my​ ​miracle​ ​city.
I​ ​experienced​ ​many​ ​colours​ ​and​ ​shapes​ ​here.​ ​I​ ​observed​ ​the​ ​movements​ ​of​ ​those​ ​who​ ​gave​ ​it​ ​life​ ​and​ ​ignored​ ​the stillness​ ​of​ ​those​ ​who​ ​fell​ ​into​ ​its​ ​magic​ ​puddle.
On reflection, this place and its people are on both sides of my story.
Signed & Framed 50" X 40 - £1,500