Bluemehndi is a journey into the unknown realm of spirituality.
The artwork serves as a clue, or guide to messages, ideas and concepts,
inspired by mythology and South Asian culture.
bluemehndi is a journey into the unknown realm of spirituality
My art is a reflection of my experiences in the world and my continual observations of how i feel, percieve and evolve in my inner world, that myserous place between my condioned self and conscoiusness state of self. It's from there where i witness visuals, stories, ideas and magic that i aim to translate into art.
"Spirituality is a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, a search for meaning in life. As such, it is a universal human experience - something that touches us all. People may describe a spiritual experience as sacred or transcendent or merely a deep sense of aliveness and interconnectedness. Some may find that their spiritual life is intricately linked to their association with a church, temple, mosque, or synagogue while others seek meaning through their connections to nature or art or people. For me, spirituality is a conversation with self that leads to awareness of everything." J.Sol
A journey of a
lifetime, in search of identity.
A quest to discover my spiritual purpose in life.
A story of self discovery, consciousness
& contribution.
For over 22 years I have created a vast catalogue of artowrks, books, and stories that I aim to share with the world. in this process I have overcome several perosal, internal challenges. My art has healed me and provides me with energy and ambition to express my journey too so that my unconventional story can also be a source of inspiration.
Fathers Day
The Mother, unconditional love and support for her baby earth.
She will go to any lengths in this offering of herself. It is her nature to nurture.
All while Father watches from afar, accepting, isolated by his very role.
Coco Re
Legend tells of a giant creature with a gentle awareness that can remove obstacles that exist in your life.
Surely these obstacles have been so wisely placed to motivate us to become that creature and remove the obstruction of the false self.
It feels like magic.
Just like finding love, forming friendships and support from people who have turned up to help you and you serve them. The sender is a tribute to a particular person who I believe was sent to me from a higher being.
To experience union between the mental, physical and spiritual allow the body to return to its natural state. Through this outer movement one can discover the INNER MAGIC.
Behind sight
What he sees, we cannot see.
What we think we see, he cannot see.
For us, he's just a man in a natural space.
But him, he is that space.
History has gifted us many epic stories that have transcended time, space and culture. Tales that are rich in detail, conveying aspects of the human experience. Ram and Sita's story from the ancient Hindu scripture, the Ramayana, is one narrative that has truly impacted the world. Prince Rama's quest to rescue his beloved wife Sita from the clutches of Ravana, the ten-headed demon king, with the help of an army of monkeys and their leader, Hanuman. This tale conveys the dynamic between characters in a test of loyalty, love, trust and magic.
Joy Bangla
The river of life flows vigorously through the torn heart of this land and keeps it beating.
To this song, we dance – sketching patterns into the sacred red dust.
Identify Me
Beholder of many identities, daughter, wife, sister, bread-maker, mother, lover, labourer and slave, all these I am.Ambition is as foreign to me as the people I serve. I move unseen, loving unconditionally. Although apparently bound, I am at peace, content within myself. What is freedom anyway? Beyond concepts and prejudices, I love my family, my culture and the colours of my world. I am free.
Are you?
My actions respond to space.
The energy of progress fuels me. The spirit is the vessel for my voyage.
I position.
Golden Moments
Sometimes we travel to liberate ourselves from all that shines.
Sometimes we gravitate to controlled environments so that we may shine.
Some places may dim your light while others will bring you golden moments.
Beyond Skin
The world is living, breathing art.
There is no such thing as perfection.
It is the flaws that make us human.
Embrace your nature and uncover the texture.
Self Realisation
Turn on the power and transform your entire being. From your actions to your thoughts, to every fibre of your soul. This is the root of self-realisation.
Stone Offering
The Big Bang theory delineates the expansion of our Universe from a point of origin.
She bangs x
Passion Space
Loving you in space, in a never-ending kiss, under your gaze, I can peacefully exist. Supernatural galactic swirls, nothing compares to this, I’m inside the outer worlds, floating in pure bliss.
Every decision we make has consequences on our reality that will run on for infinity. The question is, will we mindlessly experience reality and repeat it all over, or will we consciously generate a new reality?
A ritual is a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, and objects, conducted in a sequestered place, and performed in an ordered succession.
Then you do it again, just because.
Forgotten Day
I often have this dream where I float in the shadow of a golden fire in the sky, the scent of jasmine decorates the austere landscape, and I can hear sounds from history in the background. In this dream, I harbour no thought, have no desire and serve no purpose. I am as relevant as space I occupy and as open as the skies below me.
I would ask you to join me, but I can't as you are already here.
Super Natural
When your desires are strong enough, you will appear to possess alien powers to achieve, to alter reality to become super natural.
Thought is the middle man between you and life.
Now is the only opportunity to act and experience.
The only truth to ever be found is right here in this moment.
A poem written to represent life starts in an ordinary place. The mother and father who birth us. The wealth and honour which attract us. Power and destruction that seduces us. Peace and hope to confuse us. Life and death to blood us. Sound familiar ?
Rainbow Children
Just a handful of children can embellish the world with their energy.
Their enterprise is greeted with love and sympathy.
They perform for us so we can perform for in return.
A beautiful opportunity awaits at the end of this rainbow.
Brand New
Everything seems to be a brand these days. From grandmothers with logos to aunties with profiles to sisters with followers to mothers with lifestyles. What chance does a baby have when it is brand new?
God Lands
We plant the seed, we nurture the soil, we wait
Grey Area
The observer’s word leaves us wondering what he saw. The observer being him, his vision us.
Adorn the doorway of your house with welcoming, inviting vibrancy. Let symbols and imagery tell the story of your open heart. No words are needed, just a peaceful smile. With graceful intent, bring the palms of your hand together and bow your head. You are fully exposed. Bask in complete uncertainty. Remain empty, remain blessed, remain welcoming.
The wounded ego often presents itself in multiple forms. These forms are all self made to feed that ego. Once the ego takes shape, it will consume the forms and transcend.
Crown Seed
Love is the seed, pain is the flower. Awareness the Crown.
The spirit moves her body in shapes and patterns, conveying sacred messages from the Creator. She is lost in this world of movement and posture, drawing us in to get lost too. She has no mind, body or soul; she is a living ghost, a vessel for God.
She is Devadassi.
Self Ethic
Now we are beyond survival, pleasure and pain are mere options.
Our bodies mirror the universe, organically connected to the Maya Chakras. The spinning of these wheels shapes who we are and brings together a union of energy and colour.
Stone Council
Seeking council from stone gods, I renounce all responsibility.
To no avail. I can now see that the answer is not in the question but in the one who asks.
I am my own council.
Gold Rush
He runs, young and free, towards the golden city. With every spin, his shadow grows, his true nature lessens in the fading light. He will grow to leave this moment behind, caught in the heat of the gold rush. Spinning out of control as the sun sets on his innocence.
The ancient past, especially the period of classical and other human civilizations before the Middle Ages.
Surya's Pot
To create anything in life, one must get a bit broken first. Only then one can let the beauty pour out, to share. If we fear creation, we may die of thirst, no love. If we allow the water or love to flow freely, we may manifest life in the lifeless. Surya was in search of water and disappeared in the heart of Rajasthan. Today, she appears as a myth, a ghost.
Face Value
On the surface, the world becomes visible in behaviour, movement and growth. Under the surface, the world is invisible in thoughts, stillness and vanishing. What we see we value and what we don't see, we face. There is no hiding place.
Colour Monsoon
The season before last was full of possibility. The following season brought new possibilities. This season is impossible to predict because now, everything is possible.
Prepare for the REIGN.
Blonde Durga
She is known as Durga.
She captured the imagination of the world and we are intrigued by her dominance and power.
We are inspired by her character and fire.
We elevate ourselves in hope to capture her essence, not knowing she’s beyond all desire.
Invisible Empire
They govern the past to help us.
They destroy the reputation of others to protect us.
Yet they work for those who aren’t us.
Butterfly Love
As a child, I did not know what tomorrow was, then overnight. I became an expert. I soon visualised years and even lifetimes. This was fun in the beginning but soon became troublesome as I no longer was inside today. Now I have no life beyond this moment.
My only reality is the butterfly, my imagination.
As I leave my home as a free spirit, I become a hunter and the hunted. If I catch my prey, I am rewarded with another day. If I am caught, I may never see any day. If I am not captured or have captured, I will shapeshift until I arrive back home. My third eye is always wide open, and so my spirit can only lead me to freedom.
There is a glory in Madness only known to Madmen.
Royal Youth
There will be a city with streets of gold.
The young so educated they never grow old.
They ascend to the heavens on the day of judgment,
when God and his creators lose their control.
They begin in a workshop, figures of humans in ceramic moulds. They are painted and decorated to look like Gods. They are worshiped and adored like they are Gods. The market is open for those who want to see and feel their beliefs.
Spiritual Conception
At what stage does the mother's spirit influence the unborn child? At what stage does the father's character inspire the unborn child? The stage is set for the child to answer the questions and accept that neither may happen.
Restless Beings
Children in Bangladesh are feeling restless. Their childhood is stolen by adults who abuse their young lives. Their days are spent fighting hunger and fear. Every hour is consumed by false hope and dread. Every minute is filled with anxiety and danger, and every second they imagine being you.
We are so involved with everything outside of our control, understanding and even experience. Our desire to want to know or be apart of something beyond us is natural. The need to contribute or attain validation can dominate our actions and thoughts, resulting in further deficits in our understanding of self and the world.
But no thing is actually outside of us, both physically and mentally.
We experience the world entirely through our body.
The outside only exists when you think of it, imagine it and feel a sense of it.
The inside is all that is alive, and the outside is a response to other life.
Everything and NO THING is OK.
Chai Paani
Inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece, the last supper.
This unique version features iconic movie characters from India’s magical film industry.
His purpose, to protect his angel from her demons.
Her ambition, to protect her saviour from his demons.
Together, they protect the demon.
The magic circle is a modern take on the oldest tale written—the invisible force field created by Ram to protect Sita from the ultimate demon.
He sits under the tree of Wisdom.
In his stillness, he observes the whole universe.
He questions his form, his idea of self on earth.
And yet, the world is being blinded by his shadow.
I find movement in nature, in the sun, in the rain. I discover my nature in the sea, in the stars.
I am at peace with gods gifts and in love with all around me. A storm may come, the earth may shake, and the skies may fall, but I promise I'm not hiding anything. I am water, and we are water, pure as water.
Organic Flo
Nature gives abundantly, and our senses allow us to savour this rainbow. Colour is flowing all around us. Magic ingredients mix into a vast array of flavours, the organic landscape of greens and reds and spectacular browns. Stones replace seeds, and pixels replace pigments, and appetites replace appreciation.Deep within this landscape, we stand and taste the flow.
And now we must band together, form a union that will last eternally in the minds and hearts of us.
When it comes to meditation, I avoid all forms of contrast.
In this place of emptiness, there is no room for two.
However, outside there is always room for the ultimate difference.